0191 490 9301

To improve Mental Health today, for a better future tomorrow.

At Talk Works, we work alongside HR Teams, Occupational Health and Line Managers nationwide to help employees work well, feel well and engage well at work.

We Are Talk Works

1 in 6 of us in the workplace experience mental health problems every year. Talk Works believes that employees are your most important asset - they are the heart of any business. We want people to thrive and fulfil their potential in the workplace, so they can lead happier lives outside of it. We work in partnership with business leaders, HR and Occupational Health teams to provide mental health education and rapid access to therapy.

Our Services


Rapid access to evidence based one-to-one talking therapy for those who are struggling with mental health difficulties.

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Wellbeing Online

Accessible, self guided learning about mental health and wellbeing for all your people.

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Training Workshops

Our clinical experts have designed our digital or in-person workshops to suit your organisation and people.

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News & Blogs

Coping with the loss of a child

The loss of a baby or child can cause unimaginable grief. According to Child Bereavement UK, more than 6,000 babies and children were stillborn or died under 16 years of...

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Coaching vs Therapy

Coaching Vs Therapy: What are the differences? While there is a lot of overlap between coaching and therapy, they are very distinct from each other in terms of their focus...

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Why conversations about mental health matter

Let’s start the conversation today Today (Thursday 6th February 2025) is Time to Talk Day – a day that celebrates the power of open conversations and why they’re so important...

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Prioritising workplace wellbeing in 2025

As we step into 2024, there’s no better time to focus on workplace wellbeing. Mental health isn’t just a personal concern, it’s a business priority. Research from the Mental Health...

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Is Stress Ever Good?

What comes up for you when you think of the word ‘stress’? Most of us would probably say that stress was negative, harmful, and something we would avoid if we...

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