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The mental health benefits of kindness: How small acts create stronger workplaces

Kindness is often seen as a soft skill, but its impact is anything but. Research shows that
acts of kindness, whether a supportive conversation, a small gesture of appreciation, or
simply checking in on a colleague, can have a profound effect on mental wellbeing. In the
workplace, kindness doesn’t just help individuals feel valued; it fosters a culture of trust,
support, and collaboration.

At a time when stress and burnout are at an all-time high, embracing kindness as part of
workplace wellbeing can make a real difference. But what does the science say?

The science behind kindness and mental wellbeing
Kindness is more than just a feel-good action, it has measurable effects on the brain and

Boosting serotonin and oxytocin
Acts of kindness stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that
regulates mood, and oxytocin, often called the “bonding hormone.” Research from
the University of Sussex
found that even witnessing an act of kindness can boost
serotonin levels, leading to increased feelings of happiness and connection.

Reducing stress and anxiety
When we engage in kind behaviour, our cortisol levels (the stress hormone)
decrease. A study from the Mental Health Foundation highlights that people who
regularly engage in kind acts report lower stress levels and a greater sense of

Building stronger social connections
Humans are wired for connection, and kindness strengthens relationships. According
to a study by the University of Oxford, individuals who perform small, frequent acts of
kindness experience higher levels of social connectedness and overall wellbeing. In
the workplace, this translates to improved team cohesion and morale.

Kindness in the workplace: A culture shift
In high-pressure work environments, stress can create distance between colleagues. A
culture of kindness can help bridge that gap, fostering a workplace where people feel valued
and supported.

  1. Trust and psychological safety
    Kindness plays a crucial role in building trust within teams. When employees feel safe to
    express concerns, ask for help, or share ideas without fear of judgment, engagement and
    innovation thrive. A study by Deloitte UK found that workplaces prioritising psychological
    safety experience higher levels of collaboration, creativity, and productivity.
  2. Reducing workplace stress and burnout
    Workplace stress is one of the leading causes of absenteeism in the UK. The Health and
    Safety Executive (HSE) reported that in 2022-23
    , over 17 million working days were lost due
    to work-related stress, depression, or anxiety. Encouraging kindness, whether through peer
    support, active listening, or simply recognising someone’s hard work, can help create a
    buffer against burnout.
  3. Strengthening team collaboration
    A kind workplace is a more productive workplace. When employees support one another,
    teams work better together. A study by the University of Warwick found that happiness
    makes employees 12% more productive, and workplace cultures that encourage kindness
    see greater levels of cooperation and problem-solving.

How to embed kindness into workplace culture
Kindness isn’t something that happens by chance, it needs to be intentionally encouraged.
Here are some practical ways to make kindness part of your workplace culture:

Recognise and appreciate efforts – A simple “thank you” can go a long way.
Publicly recognising achievements or acts of kindness helps reinforce a positive work
Encourage small acts of support – Checking in on a colleague, offering help with a
task, or sharing a kind word can have a significant impact.
Foster open conversations – Creating spaces where employees feel safe to talk
about their challenges without fear of stigma promotes a culture of care.
Lead by example – When leaders model kindness, it sets the tone for the rest of the
organisation. Simple actions, such as active listening and offering encouragement,
can shift workplace dynamics.

Kindness as a long-term strategy
Kindness isn’t just about individual moments, it’s about creating a workplace where people
feel genuinely supported. When kindness becomes embedded in workplace culture, it leads
to stronger teams, improved mental wellbeing, and better business outcomes.

If you’re looking to build a workplace that prioritises both performance and wellbeing, Talk
Works can help. From mental health training to therapy and consultancy, we work with
organisations to create environments where people thrive.
Get in touch to find out how we can support your team.

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